Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunday, Monday & Tuesday, End of October...

Sunday, October 28th
Today was the “White Out Party” which means more paperwork. It took about 1 ½ to 2 hours to complete our paperwork, out of our four families each Mother did the paperwork and the Dad’s , Paul and Uncle Doug walked around and hit some shopping. Doug bought a great outfit for Teresa for 48Rmb (about $7 US), its adorable and actually fits her! Other than the paperwork and packing today is a quiet day. Our schedule for Monday is luggage into the hallway at 6:30 am, breakfast then checking out at 7:30 with departure to the airport at 8:00 am, we should arrive in Guangzhou for lunch and immediately have the girls pictures take for their US Visa’s. The girls will also go through their medical exam (and I use the term very loosely) and who knows what else the day will hold.

Monday, October 29th
Our flights went smoothly and the day passed very quickly with something to do every few hours once we landed. The medical exam was not fun at all and Teresa screamed when the tried to examine her at two of the three stations (weight/height, ENT, and a physical), because of the “special needs” label on each of the children, and especially Teresa, we had to answer extra questions and Teresa had to go through one additional exam the whole time I kept repeating “she’s fine, we can go now, she’s fine, see!”. I believe they do this for the parents concern to make sure we’re happy with our children and the at the match that has been given to us is a bond that will last a life time. We got to spend some time at the pool and as both Taylor and Teresa had their lips turning purple we switched to a hot bath before a pizza party in Doug’s room and off to bed with everyone. For all the kids (yes, and adults too) it was a long day!

Tuesday, October 30th
After our morning ritual breakfast (Buffett Style) we we’re told to wait around until our Country Guide Vanessa told us we were free to go. She had an appointment at 9:00 at the consulate with all of our paperwork, this is the last of the paperwork that we’re required to do (I think?) So after we were free we met for lunch and then Doug toured us around Guangzhou for shopping!!! FINALLY. We spent about 4 hours wandering the shops, bartering and trying to make sure we had gifts for everyone on our lists. It was more comfortable for us walking through the local markets this time than it has been but still people stop and try to talk to us about the children, especially with our token Blonde, Alice!!! We were also the only people in shorts and we think we were reprimanded a few time about not having the arms and legs of the children covered. We saw a Dad pushing his child in a stroller in what appeared to be a sleeping bag, fully covered like it was winter (and it was about 80+ today in Guangzhou!)
Overall our last few days have been uneventful and full of bonding and time alone with our children. It’s a great shopping Mecca and its being cut short by paperwork and finally heading home!! Two more nights sleep for Taylor and let me tell you that is one happy child knowing we’re heading home to normality!!!

We can’t wait to see everyone and miss you all!!!!!

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