Monday, August 20, 2007

Introducing Teresa Mei Dong Liang!

Teresa Mei Dong Liang!!!

Well, its official, we have been approved by CCAA to adopt this beautiful little girl!

We sent our request to them July 5th - our agency forwarded it after translations on July 17th, so that process *ONLY* took 33 days.

What now? Well we wait for a TA (Travel Authorization or Invitation to Travel). Although our agency says that will take another 1-2 months we’ve been reading on the internet that they’ve been coming about 2-3 weeks after the authorizations! So we’re hoping to travel in October!

Teresa was born January 13th 2005 and resides in Hengshan, Hunan Province in China. The description we have (other than medical information) tells us that her favorite toy is a doll, she likes to sing and read picture books! The last update (at about age 2) is that she was 33.4 inches tall and 23 pounds!!!

One more step down and just a few more to go!!! I can't wait to hold her and put a smile on that beautiful face!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Congratulations to you and your family.

She is a beautiful little girl and I see she is from the Hunan province. We have a "Spicy Girl" from Hunan also. That is what the girls are called (in China) that are from Hunan. It sure fits our little girl.

We want to wish you Good Luck as you travel to bring home your little beauty.
